
Lumbar spondylosis

Spondylosis of the spine can affect any of the joints in the lumbar region of the vertebrae which provide support for the spine. The vertebrae consists of individual bones which are joined together by discs which absorb shock, allow movement and provide cushioning.
The major weight bearing area of the body is the lumbar region. Degenerative disease like spondylosis (spinal osteoarthritis) can compromise the structural integrity of the spine affecting multiple joints. This is accompanied by overgrowth of bone and the formation of bone spurs.


  • Morning stiffness is a common complaint of lumbar spondylosis
  • Stiffness and pain in the lower back pain that runs into the pelvis area and buttocks (sciatica) may be a major component in lumbar spondylosis. It may become very painful to lift any weight or bend making it sometimes difficult to perform basic daily activities
  • bowel/bladder changes, tingling feeling, muscle spasms, extremity sensation and motor function.
  • Sleeping or lying down can get painful as the disease progresses and the can cause spinal deformity


    Effects on the spine of external influences like concussion, hypertension, hyper flexion, etc.

  • X-ray
  • MRI scan
  • CT scan

Ayurveda Disc Prolaps and Sciatica

In ayurveda the conditions which can result in backpain include external traumatic factors (abhighataja), and internal (nija)
Lower back (kadi) is a vata specific site, at the same time joints are site of sleshaka sleshma(kapha), due to the causes(nidanas) vatha aggravation occur in kapha sthana, and due to the increased ruksha guna(quality of dryness,leading to reduction in water content resulting in prolapse and inturn nerve irritation .

The aim of the treatment is to reduce the dryness and bring back the sneha guna, elasticity and to rehydrate the disc, removing the osteophytes also called the mala roopa kapha. The treatment will be mainly vataharam and kaphaharam in initial stages and brmhanam in later stages to nourish the disc.

The Ayurvedic Slipped Disc treatment can be divided into following stages.

Medicinal  Management(Oushadam)

Meditation and Medication for two to three months while orally taking traditional Ayurvedic herbal medicines
This Herbal medicine strengthens the Nervous System and specifically the Para-Vertebral muscles of the back. By this it reduces the compression on the Inter-Vertebral Disc and gives relief to all the related symptoms.

Local Measures(Sthanika Chikitsa)

 Effects on the spine of external influences like concussion, hypertension, hyper flexion, etc.

  • Setting the bone alignment. The herniated disc can be restored into its original position
  • relives myo-facial spasm
  • corrects disc dehydration, healing procedure for the restored disc
  • strengthens para spinal muscles both the disc and also wholistically causing complete rejuvenation
  • for the whole spine
  • arrests disc dehydration
  • restore back mobility

Cervical Spondylosis (neck pain),vertigo,ulnar nerve palsies

Neck pain is one of the most common problems that one encounters in day to day life. Cervical spondylosis is a ‘wear and tear’ of the vertebrae and discs in the neck Cervical spondylosis may be caused by one or more of several complaints. Degenerative osteoarthiritis of the joints between the central of the spinal vertebrae or neural foraminae, it may cause pressure on nerve roots sensory and motor disturbances including pain, muscle weakness in the limbs. When the space between two adjacent vertebrae narrows, compression of a nerve root emerging from the spinal cord may result in radiculopathy ( severe pain in the neck, shoulder, arm, back, or leg, accompanied by muscle weakness) and sometimes loss of balance.

Between each vertebrae is an intervertebral disc which acts like a shock absorber and allows flexibility of the spine. Muscles and ligaments run between, and are attached to, the vertebrae. Nerves from the spinal cord pass between the vertebrae going to the shoulder, neck, arm, and upper chest. With the increase in number of workers who sit for hours together doing desk work or sitting for hours in front of the computer and even in call center jobs which requires continuous sitting in one posture, the number of people suffering with cervical spondylosis is increased in such a way that in every ten IT professionals one will be having these complaints.


  • Pain in neck(movements become painful)
  • Radiating pain to the base of skull and shoulders
  • Numbness in neck, shoulder, elbow, arms, hand(numbness of upper extremities)
  • Headache,giddiness


  • repetitive strain and injury – Caused due to lifestyle without ergonomic care, Eg. (While working in front of computers, Driving, Travelling etc).
  • neck pain can be caused by an injury, muscular problem or by trapped nerve between vertebrae.
  • Inappropriate working or sleeping posture can also be the cause
  • Effects on the spine of external influences like concussion, hypertension, hyper flexion, etc.


  • Physical examination
  •  X rays and MRI studies

Ayurveda and Disc Prolapse

Bone region or asthi is vata site in Ayurveda and at the same time joints are site of sleshaka kapha, because of the causes vata aggrevation occurs in kapha sthanam and due to the increase in ruksha guna (quality of dryness) the dehydration OF DISC GET STARTED, making the sclerotic changes and in later part bulging, herniation prolapse and degeneration.


  • Releves myo-facial spasm
  • corrects disc dehydration
  • strengthens para spinal muscles
  • arrests disc dehydration
  • restore neck mobility
  • Massage, varma therapy, maintain musculoskeletal function
  • Increase range of motion, flexibility, core strengthening
  • Decompressive therapies (manual mobilization, mechanical traction)

Herbal medicine strengthens the Nervous System and specifically the Para-spinal muscles of the neck. By this, it reduces the compression on the Inter-Vertebral Disc and gives relief to all the related symptoms

Treatment in Modern Medicine For Degenerative Disorders

  • Only conservative
  • Rest and traction
  • Analgesics for acute condition
  • No concept of radical therapy
  • Surgery 

Surgery may be necessary if you have severe pain that does not improve from other treatments. It should be your last resort as there is always a risk factor involved.

FUSION – which surgically joins bones in the spine, making them rigid – or artificial material to replace the defective discs. In some cases, these methods cause further degeneration of the disc above and below the area are most affected.

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